Mar 21, 2011

Home » » Feng Shui Bedroom Tips: There’s Nothing Wrong to Try It

Feng Shui Bedroom Tips: There’s Nothing Wrong to Try It

I’m not an expert in feng shui of course, but I just want to share my feng shui experience to make some bedroom tips. One portion of feng shui coverages is color usage so it’s quite important to use bedroom color that’s very “you”. Don’t think that feng shui will directly decide what bedroom color scheme should be, but it will guide you to make personalized bedroom to meet your requirement.

The main feng shui rule is that you have to understand your passions and moods when you feel particular color. There’s no way but to try it. Do I have to frequently change my bedroom color to do it? The good news is no. Using different tablecloth, sticking a picture with certain color, or even using color lamp, they all will do. Be creative.

Feng shui says that there’s a relationship between your bedroom direction and color scheme you’re supposed to use. If your bedroom is in the east direction, you should add some wood elements. Thus you can use wood bedroom furniture. And the color? It’s not a necessity to use brown color, you can also use green that means wood element too.

Southeast bedroom must have mixing of warm and cool. You can guess to use red, blue and purple colors, then you may use paper lanterns with those colors.

Feng shui states that southern direction bedroom may be best decorated using fire element and choosing red, pink, burgundy, and peach colors. You can put those colors on pillows and obtain fire from candles in south wall. Be aware of using metal furniture as it suggests water which is fire’s enemy.

Bedroom in southwestern side can be decorated using red and pink colors together. According to feng shui, you can choose in western side bedroom the combination of white, silver, grey, and gold because western element is metal. Then you may try to decorate your bedroom with furniture made of metal.
Feng Shui Bedroom Tips Direction
Now we move on to northwest side. It is associated by feng shui with black, gray, and black colors. Then the bedroom tips are to use black to give traditional and stylish accentuation then to use gray and white for bigger items.

North side bedroom is related to water element in feng shui. Hence black and blue colors are cool to use. Another tips? You can also put a tiny fountain, an aquarium (with salt water fish), or anything which carries water to the bedroom. As said before, metal means water so you may use metallic furniture.

Between east and north is northeast and it’s a combination between wood and water element. Then using blue, black, and green colors as your bedroom color scheme is excellent. For example, you may decorate the bedroom by putting a Japanese
bamboo with flowing water sounding “tac tac…”.

I also have something about bedroom color scheme here. All of this feng shui bedroom tips are useless ‘till you apply it. Give it an experiment and be a “bedroom scientist”.

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