Feb 21, 2011

Home » » Your Beroom Color Means A Lot, Check This One Out (Part 1 of 2)

Your Beroom Color Means A Lot, Check This One Out (Part 1 of 2)

Are you wondering why you feel certain mood every time you get in you bedroom? I think you should know what your bedroom color means. Here is what some bedroom colors mean:
This color shows perfection and harmony. It means emptiness and virginity too. It also represents infinity and peace. As you learn physics, white color has low absorption and emission thus makes cool sense.
Sun is yellow, both sun and yellow are bright. Yellow is very good to clear a foggy thought. It cheers up sad and melancholic people. When you get depressed, it’s good to see this color. As gold color, yellow means the peak of color grade. But be careful to use yellow too often, it can be destructive. Someone who likes this color is usually good-humored, optimist, and thinker.
This color used to show up on sunset sky. Orange is warm. Overuse of this color can cause restiveness. It will widen your mind and fix your life and career. This color can enhance thyroid activity and reduce muscle cramp and spasm. Orange is related to being passionate, sporty, and productive.
Our blood color is red. We draw angry face using red. When the light turns red, you have to stop your car. You can say red is associated with so many things. This color shows confidence, threat, power but it shows sincere love too. Red can stimulate adrenalin release and cause increase body temperature. It’s not a bad idea to have red bedroom color in winter. Red is warm and raise blood pressure, so be careful if you have high blood pressure. Excessively exposed to this color can make you more aggressive. This color energizes the whole body and senses, so it can increase your sexual “hunger”. But red can be dangerous cause it’ll intensify cancer cell growth. If you like red, you’re very likely a confident, spontaneous, and truthful person.
First thing you imagine when you read this color could be something feminine. Yes it is. It’s associated with softness, kindness, and complete love. Pink cures unhappiness, brings back youthfulness, gives calm, and removes frustration.
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